Miri Levhar – Deputy CEO
Miri has an impressive resume of more than 30 years’ experience in the insurance industry in several senior positions, the most recent as the manager of the Shefi Insurance Agency which specialises in Professional Indemnity insurance for engineers, architects and urban planners.
The extensive and unique experience that Miri has accumulated in underwriting and management positions in the field of Professional Indemnity for architects and engineers is a significant advantage for our clients in the construction industry and is another important facet of our ability to provide our clients with the best possible Contractors All Risks and other construction-related insurance policies.
As part of her position as the Deputy CEO of the agency, Miri works as a client executive and is responsible for developing and integrating new products into the range of insurance policies we offer and is available to advise and guide our clients wherever necessary.
Miri is a graduate of Bar Ilan University, holds a law degree and an MBA and is also a qualified mediator and holds a license to operate as an insurance agent.